Re Q Anon - The "are we alone" Q&A: It is kind of arrogant to think we are It, in an infinite universe. Childish, in my opinion. Along the lines of primitive cosmologies placing Earth as the center of 'It All'. Even here on Earth there are non-carbon based organisms, and extremophiles. Even if you are limited in your imagination of what life must be made of there are still an estimated 8.8 billion Earth-like planets in our backwater galaxy alone. As for galaxies: "This led to an estimate that the observable universe contained about 200 billion galaxies. The new research shows that this estimate is at least 10 times too low." - Hubble. As for propulsion... how funny to think you would have to burn something to get from here to there. Listen folkies, there are technologies even here on this earth, that beat that scenario.
Showing posts from September, 2018
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God pulls us from this life when we have gleaned all from this life that we are going to. Immortal life is for people who keep on with the voyage of discovery. Even when outward exploration is not possible because of physical decline, inwardly there is so much to make known, and somewhere inside is the connection we all have to God. Can you see the paths of the future? Can you change them? Can you see what is without using your eyes? Can you lucid dream? Are you free of your past? What pushes your buttons? Can you communicate without speech? Can you manifest your daily bread? Can you manifest wealth? Can you give it up and make it all over again? So many possibilities we have yet to experience. For these pursuits your life will be extended. On the News: even if Kavanaugh was guilty of groping this woman, it happened as a teen. Should all his work and study be for nothing? The dems hate their loss of power. I think Kavanaugh has just gotten in their way.
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Forgiving the Tyrants, Thoughts on The Handmaiden's Tale. At some point in humanity's journey from caveman to modern man, and woman, we passed through a long phase that could rightly be called the Age of the Tyrants. It was an era when the idiom - Might Makes Right - was accepted by all, seemingly. It was understood that if you were blessed with physical power and family power, wealth and influence, then God had blessed you. You ruled because you were better, chosen. Not because your ancestors were bloody pirates. These tyrants forced the common people to farm for them, keep their cattle, fight in their wars, worship their Gods, surrender their goods, which sometimes included their wives and children. But the tyrants were also subject to greater tyrants. No one was free. Even monarchs had to fear treason within his family and governors, and violence from his neighbors. No one was free, but worse, it was a greedy, rapist tyranny we all endured. We all participated in as w...
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A Few Thoughts on Moana... This is ultimately a story about soulmates. Maui and Moana. Soulmates are not what you thought. Coming together again is complicated. And this story really illustrates the complications. The elevation of Maui to demigod status, while she was, at best, a 'princess', as he enjoyed pointing out in a very patronizing manner. Man has always been divine. Woman's status was at best the mother of his sons, not daughters, and a good housekeeper and cook to boot. At worst, just a play thing to be used and discarded. This is how history was and it still has bearing only to the extent women and men remain estranged from one another. Moana is filled with rage. That is the poison that is killing her island. She is dominated by her father's wishes. Her soulmate has disappeared from her life. Every woman could use a hero, but hers, yours and mine, is an outcast to our lives and we don't know why. It is because we have hung on to that old betrayal ...