A Few Thoughts on Moana...

This is ultimately a story about soulmates.

Maui and Moana. Soulmates are not what you thought. Coming together again is complicated. And this story really illustrates the complications.

The elevation of Maui to demigod status, while she was, at best, a 'princess', as he enjoyed pointing out in a very patronizing manner. Man has always been divine. Woman's status was at best the mother of his sons, not daughters, and a good housekeeper and cook to boot. At worst, just a play thing to be used and discarded. This is how history was and it still has bearing only to the extent women and men remain estranged from one another.

Moana is filled with rage. That is the poison that is killing her island. She is dominated by her father's wishes. Her soulmate has disappeared from her life. Every woman could use a hero, but hers, yours and mine, is an outcast to our lives and we don't know why. It is because we have hung on to that old betrayal - it ought to be ancient history, but we still feel the rage of it.

In a manner of speaking Man stole away woman's divinity. That is the betrayal. It needs letting go of and the whole thing needs resolution. That is Moana's true quest. To restore her own sacred heart and resolve the rage of ages.


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