Polarity. A Good Reason to Create Your Life Consciously.

Last night I was explaining to someone how loyalty was fine, but it was wise to remember that we all have feet of clay, so to speak. That no human is wholly good or bad, and that polarity is like a swinging pendulum. Especially when we live unconsciously.

We all know politics swings left and right. We all know we have light and darkness within. We have all had successes and failures - fortune too swings. Or you might say it balances.

In my life I have often experienced high moments of recognition. Moments when I am praised and feel very pleased with myself. But they were all followed by miserable moments of failure. Times when I just wanted to disappear, when I was filled with shame.

That's the balance I am talking about. Positive and negative, success and failure, pleasure and hurt... the tally at the end of your life is apt to be 50 - 50, Unless...

And this was my epiphany... You consciously, or unconsciously, swing the balance more toward one or the other.

We all know people whose lives are miserable. They should be a proof to us that this is true. They are not miserable because their life is. They make their life that way by being chuffed about misery. Being that victim does something for them. They cling to it... and who are we to try to talk them out of it.

But look at the horrible elite. How do they keep getting re-elected? How do they get fabulously wealthy and stay out of jail? And they look so smug. I think they know how to swing that pendulum of polarity to the positive. I'm not going to say which political figures I am talking about. I have done my research and think I am right, but then so does everyone - time will tell. Its just the outrageous lack of justice. These people seem to operate under a different set of rules.

But its my life and my fortunes, and yours, that I am talking about here. Did you know Trump's mentor, when he was just a boy, was the fellow who wrote the book on positive thinking? I didn't until recently. And he is always saying these things that are like affirmations. I don't think that is all it takes, but if our thoughts create our reality, as so many say, then I think I ought to be making more of an effort to, for instance, avoid fear porn, and anger porn... that stuff social media is rife with. And maybe avoid Hollywood's darker movies, and soap opera-like TV. Yes I could do better.

It's funny how you can know a thing, or think you do, until something clicks and you see it so much more clearly.


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