Dream Interpretation #2

This dream, which I have permission to use, is from a person I will call Seer, as the dreams this person has are both very informative and true.

Seer's Dream: Had a really interesting dream
It seemed to be set in Egypt
Giant bowling ball sized scarabs plagued the Nile so we couldn’t drink from it
I traveled across the desert with a man and a woman
The woman was a little weak. She couldn’t handle the desert
But the guy was wise, a seer. And he was also me
She rushed towards the Nile but I restrained her, knowing the scarabs were there
Then I saw a flashback of how they came to be in the Nile
It was an Egyptian colony of gods
In their youth they were more godlike, but they were conquerors 
Later they became modernized. They grew fat and corrupt
Wore dirty T-shirt’s and jean shorts rather than flowing robes
There was a man who was the leader. He had a sister and he had a child.
In my flashback I saw him at the beginning of the Nile river. It was split in 2 and flowed from their temple
It was shallow water
But he was digging a hole were the two water sources met 
He had his child in a basket next to the hole he was digging
It was a ritual of some kind to help the scarabs flourish 
I think it was a sacrifice of his child
That part I don’t remember clearly 
But after he dug the hole he released 5 scarabs to start a plague of deadly water. 
People die just to get to it. They die if they drink
Meanwhile this man's sister watched as her brother did all this. 
She was on a small platform with her legs crossed in a half-lotus position she was on the mouth of the rivers edge observing 
She was a dark sorceress 
Then it showed her growing up
Learning more and more
She was still a little evil, but she grew her powers. 
Was overall less evil than her brother
As she grew her skin started turning blue
Once she turned into a middle aged lady her skin was a Grayish-blue all over
I watched her perform her own ritual 
She went into the desert and summoned the tigers head from Aladdin only he had rams horns. He granted wishes
She had done him a favor of removing a source of one of the pains in his body. In exchange She wished to steal all the new archers on horseback that her brother had just obtained. Hundreds of miles away. Then her brother died from loosing battle.
So she grew much older. Now it was in present time for me and my people 
The girl stupidly drank from the river. We defeated the scarabs and continued on to the old lady’s home at the mouth of the river
It was build like a huge medieval bridge over the two beginnings of the river. And she had an old English house at the top of it.
She took us in after the long journey 
Fed us and gave us water. And you were there as well.
The old lady was on the first floor, outside, with the 2nd story balcony above her and white flower vines hanging down around her.
You and I stood above her while she pruned her flowers into her laundry basket. 
You and I were making a scene, like scenery. You threw thick icicles off the balcony into very specific places. I threw something else I can’t remember 
We were trying to get some to fall off the bridge and some to land near the lady without making her mad
After we were done. We jumped off the house and the bridge to finish the beautiful scene 
The old lady stopped time 
Everyone was falling but it was more like flying 
Turns out  it changed your body to what you wanted
And it helped me and the man grow, and see beauty
Then it was all like we were in a movie on a screen. Like WE WERE THE MOVIE. 
D. and I were watching. 
The movie broke for a minute that’s why everything froze. 
Once we got the movie playing again I was in it again. 
You and I and the people I traveled with had grown so much. Learned how beautiful things were. Droplets of water, icicles and pruned flowers floating in the air. 
Then we learned to fly and to love. 
Very complex dream but super neat."

My interpretation:
This dream is a story of how the past has created the conditions we see in the present and foresee how it will unfold in the future. 

The Nile represents, here, the river of consciousness. It flows from the Godhead and is polarized into male and female, good and bad, success and failure... its the way we think, judgmentally. And it is polluted by this judgement and by the collective consciousness. 

To the Egyptians the scarab symbolized the force that rolled the sun up and across the dome of the sky every day, and it's daily regeneration. But to us who have seen many nature films, and The Mummy as well, it represents filth and plague, even torment. 

That they were making the waters deadly refer to the death-affirming and corrupt thoughts and beliefs that have been seeded into the human mass consciousness. The glamorization of vampires is a good example. Another would be the glorification of superheroes which makes normal people feel ordinary and dull. Commerce wants us to feel inadequate so that we will buy their products.... the more research you do the worse the guilty actors are revealed to be.

You as the seer traveling in the desert with a weak woman - both are aspects of you. One the strong and the other the human, wounded child, more of animal urges than spiritual. The proper relationship is the Seer in charge but the other listened to, tamed so that it doesn't run off doing silly things. 

The desert is symbolic of the current state of spiritual consciousness here at this time - a desert, with very little truth to sustain our spiritual self.

The colony of Gods, or "Those who from Heaven to Earth came" - In ancient times the Anunaki woman, Ninharsag, created the modern human body. And since then, we have forever, this memory of her as a mother goddess. Not being of this planet her kind had off-color skin, blueish. She would be judged evil by today's standards as she made us through science, and it took considerable experimentation to create beings that were functional. The failures were discarded... Later she came to love her creation. She had two brothers, but it was Ea, also called Enki, who eventually came to see something lovable in humanity and to champion humanity somewhat. But in the majority of our interaction with these beings they had no real empathy for us. We were created to serve, toil, slave... The couple at the head of the Nile would certainly be Enki and Ninharsag. 

These people ruled as Gods but they were evolved tyrants, and they warred among  themselves for pride of position (the soiling and degradation of their garments). Their humans died in great numbers in these wars (the sacrificed child). Ea and Ninharsag warred. The old stories say that later she healed him. 

You and I and the woman are a grouping, which would imply the Trinity: God, the child of God and the mirror-self. And as she is cutting flowers we are creating a scene, a manifestation. In this act of creation I think we are seeing a different symbolism that refers to the split brain. If Ice, water and flowers were floating with us in the end it is likely that as I threw ice, you threw water. To my mind this is the two sides of the brain working together, as it must to create. Additionally 'the Bridge' is symbolic of the corpus callosum which acts as the bridge between the left and right brain.  

The scene in which you and I stand on the level of the manor above her implies that humankind has evolved spiritually beyond the level of those who claim to own us.

Flowers are symbolic of sexuality. But white ones and the fact that she was pruning them points to her asexual creation of humans and her 'pruning' the defective.  But it also implies that the human brain has been altered by this woman, cut. The masses of flowers being a symbol of the brain.

The tiger head represents the body consciousness. That it has ram's horns says that it is the tamed body of a master. She has healed it. It then acts as a God itself, and is able to manifest for her power in this world which she desires. As I haven't tamed my own body yet, I can't say exactly how that works. 

The Old English style of the manor house tells us that the people carrying on on behalf of the Anunaki tyrants, who still believe themselves to be the servants of these Gods, and who are the tyrants who held all of Europe in feudalism for centuries (and would like to do so again) are European gentry.

The ending scene implies that there will be a future point when we and those of the Anunaki who are disposed to feel kindly toward us, will have a joyful reunion and that we will have risen enough in consciousness to attain an equality with them.

That it is a movie is an affirmation that the things that happen here on earth are more like a play, and we all the players. From a greater level the actions that happen here are play and the education of us all, spiritually.

As for you being the seer... I think we both know by now that you have true sight. In some life you have done the work that allows you this gift now.  


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