Hare Symbolism III

This is an old article, and I see it has spread, so I will offer a much better insight for you. 

The image of a rabbit or hare can be seen formed by the craters/shadows on a full moon. We all perceive this consciously or unconsciously.  As the moon has it's cycles it is associated with women and their menses. 

As it is proverbial in our culture that rabbits or hares are very prolific, we also associate this animal, in dream interpretation, with productivity in general and especially reproduction.

We also see timidity in the hare or rabbit.

We have the Easter Bunny, the Dumb Bunny, the Playboy Bunny, Bugs Bunny... cultural associations are important to understand... the sacred has a sense of humor. 

These are the associations that will be banging around in your subconscious if you are an average westerner. Context matters in narrowing down the intended meaning. It takes practice, but symbolism is the language of God, so I study it.


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