Understanding Forest Gump
If you have been wondering What life has been like For you and your soulmate Since the advent of humanity Into matter, here on this Earth Look to the movie, Forest Gump. Men have been quite lonely And not really known what it was That they didn't know A little slow. And women have been so admired So terribly desired That the entirety of a woman's many lives Included molestation and rape And the need to recover from this. Man as Forest Woman as Jenny The only part I quarrel with Is that She didn't leave him. In the truth of Soulmates He left her. The adventure wasn't to know self At that time. It was to experience this kingdom. But if this kingdom has gone stale for you Now is the time to get to know Yourself again. And soulmate is self. Another note: Jenny doesn't blame Forest And that is key for healing the rift.