Moana, a soulmate story

I wrote a big, long article about the movie, Moana
about a year ago, but
I have discovered people don't like those
Big Long articles. So...
Moana IS the goddess/lava monster
That is why the plague comes to her world
Just as she is coming of age.
The real plague is her own anger.
Partly at being constrained 
From following her soul's urgings,
But more, her anger toward men
in general, and her soulmate, specifically.
All soulmates carry anger toward one another.
You might call it a vast ocean of Anger.
Past lives in which women were degraded, 
and men were semi-divine...
It feels like the worst sort of betrayal.
The movie depicts these issues well.
Moana and Maui have to work together
(soulmates always work together, like it or not).
He needs to see her worth
She needs to give it sympathy
and acknowledgement. 
Woman is meant to be like the goddess
The Goddess of Life.
The symbol on the stone
Is inward journey and then outward 
Action, with the wisdom gained.

Forgiveness is key.
Everything we did to one another
Was for the sake of wisdom
for experience and survival. 


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