Dream Interpretation IV

Dream : 
I was cooking food and it became clear to me that some food, 
seemingly the same food, could be good or bad 
depending on the influence it was prepared under the auspices of. 
In the dream it was either Dionysian, or beneficent. 
Oddly the ‘bad’, Dionysian food was on the right of the griddle 
and the ‘good’ on the left. 
Artemis, and the lunar phase, was associated with Dionysus, 
and the food prepared under that influence. 
I remember thinking they represent the wildness 
or madness I experienced as a child.

In this case right hand means normal for humanity. 
It is normal for humankind, in this time, 
to not eat (or do much of anything) in a reverent manner. 
Right and left in our culture 
- of well washed hands and toilet paper - 
have come to mean ordinary and special. 
And the special includes poetic, artistic genius.
Artemis and Dionysus represent the animal-human. 
The rage of woman outraged. 
The terrifying drunken rapist... 
though the women of Dionysus took center stage in his cult...
The injunction here is to partake of your food in a conscious fashion. 
To bless it, and to eat it mindfully.


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