Dream Interpretation III

Dreamer: "Last night I dreamed that each piece of my life was a puzzle piece, and the lighter colored ones were going to be replaced with slightly abstract pictures of my cat, Sunny. And the name of the change was 'Dark to Light'." 

Me: Can you describe your cat?

Dreamer: "He is fluffy and kind of golden yellow. He has these ridiculously long guard hairs so that when he is in the sun it looks like he has a halo. He has a very sweet face, a kitten face.

Me: The Puzzle metaphor is actually quite an apt one. We assemble an identity out of beliefs and badges of honor. These thing are not who we are, but we often do not know who we are, so we show the world these things when it asks us. 'I am a nurse.' 'I am a democrat.' I am a white/black/hindu/christian... you get the point. 

Your dream is saying that this is changing for you. Your pieces are being replaced with 'light'. Think of the puzzle as being placed over a window so that when one is replaced with Sunny, the sun actually is able to shine through. The Sun being the light of who you really are. 


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