Dream Interpretation V

Dreamer: I was in my living room with Bernie Sanders
The sofa was not in its present place
It was in the north of the room and it was red
Very dark red, almost black.
He was seated there.
I was so pleased to see him
I hugged him in a friendly manner
a couple of times.
Then he asked me to stop speaking against him
Or at least not so loudly.

This is not the first I
'important meeting' dream 
You have shared with me.
And I believe this goes back to the first dream you shared,
The one in which you were one
Of four 'queens' in this country. 
We all have lives happening on other levels of reality.
Other lives, where we have jobs and duties
Because that is part of life. To contribute.
What I am saying is that the two of you met,
And he has put a request to you.
North is the position of spirit - you met in spirit.
Red is both that Bernie is deeply socialist
And that the meeting happened 
In the Earthbound/Infrared Realm.
All that remains is if you choose to honor his request or not.
My advise is that you attack 
The policies and not the people.


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