The Fool - A Master's Interpretation.
When this card shows up in a reading it represents a new adventure.
As Significator it implies that the client is in a position of inexperience.
As the Crossing card it implies that the client needs to undertake
a new path, as they have fallen into stagnation.
It represents the spiritual directive -
Go forth and make known the unknown.
The Major Arcana may also be read as "the Book of Life."
In this sense The Fool is the virginal soul seeking rebirth.
Virginal not necessarily in that it has never been born before,
but in that it has drunk from the waters of forgetfulness,
(Ancient writers tell us that to drink was a choice
and the wise man would never do so.)
and has no memory of past lives to hamper it in this lifetime.
In a spread The Fool may also indicate that
a would-be child spirit is near the questioner,
seeking a chance for rebirth.
But why does this card say these things?
First, he is striding down a mountain out of the lofty heights.
This means descent from an etheric place
into a more material state.
He is at the cliff's edge.
Because every new lifetime
is a small version of the original
"fall from grace", religion tells us of.
His yellow boots say he is immature
but Godly. Yellow is the color of
incontinence, but also the light of the sun.
The white rose and undergarments say
he has been cleansed of his memory of his past life,
or possibly he has never been incarnate before.
The rod, or stave he carries is of the element of fire
and represents the kundalini, which is the life force
- notice how it seems finite, but when you look closer
it might go on and on;
this is because, I am told,
if you keep making known the unknown
you don't fall into stagnation
and therefore there is no reason f
or God to shorten your life.
The dog and the sack represent two aspects of the soul;
the dog represents the guide
(before we are born we create a destiny for our selves,
which is supposed to help us resolve our imbalances,
and this destiny is carried in the soul),
and the sack represents the soul as
recorder of this life's events.
Like a beech-comber's bag we get to fill it up
with grand memories(and likely some not so grand).
His dress represents his mother's fruitful womb,
rather like the caul and the afterbirth.
The feather in his hat is the new brain
he is coming into possession of, with his new body.
The Fool may be the first or the last of the MA
because he is both Alpha and Omega.
The designer settled on O omega because
The inner Christ Child is the much more important.
All of the Major Arcana represent stages
in our mastery of human life.
Every life we start all over, only a wee bit
wiser and more masterful of incarnate life,
but in knowing this we may make great strides
in mastery for a change.
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