Gaining Wisdom I

We gain wisdom from experience.
If we are wise about a thing
but we have never in this life done it
then this is wisdom gained from other lifetimes.
For example, I have always know
the terrible lure of gambling,
and not gone there in this life.

We often are not wise about a thing 
until we suffer the consequences of it. 
This is why you do not ease the pain
of unwise behavior.
To protect one from their own consequences
even has a name, enabling.
Within reason we let them 
find their own way out.

 This is why we need freedom.
We need to be free to engage life 
as our soul steers, even unwisely,
 that we may learn the lessons 
of that experience.
Can you imagine passing this life
only to have to return
because you failed to find wisdom
because of some law, 
or over-protective, well-meaning person?

I no longer call negative experiences 
Errors. I call them lessons. 

Think of the things you already know.
Not to hurt other people
Not to abuse substances
Not to engage other highly addictive activities
To love our space suit (body) and 
care for it wisely.
That survival is important, 
but rising above survival is noble. 
That dishonesty hurts the liar.

Acting from wisdom is virtue.
Acting virtuous without wisdom
is trying to be better than others - competition.
Or it is a desire to live up to a social ideal,
To see yourself as better than you are.
But constantly you are suppressing your true colors.
And eventually all that 'bad' bursts the dam.
You run amuck, like the shamed Catholic priests.

For Part II
Must you actually experience a thing to gain the wisdom of it?
Is there anything in the human experience you haven't done yet? 
Or, being redundant. 
How do you step back and see yourself?


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