God is Image-less

When you sit in prayer or meditation
And there is something you want to ask 
God to bring into your life
You hold that image there in silent 

But when what you desire most
Is that God be in your life. 
That God reveal itself and be known.
There is no image to contemplate
Even the word itself, God,
Implies the known paths of religion.

(I see the value of religion
And I see the harm of religion.
I assert, with full confidence,
There is God beyond church on Sunday.
Enjoy your faith and your dogma, 
If religion is your path. So be it.
I have traveled that path to it's end.) 

God remains and enigma to me.
I wish this state of things to change.
In my silent moments I will contemplate
Nothing. For if God has no image
And all that has an image is already known
Then the unknown Must be image-less.
And God is the great unknown. 


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