
Showing posts from 2019

Victims are Tyrants

The first time I was told this  I couldn't understand how  This could possibly be true.  That 'victims' are the worst of tyrants. I Do see it now, however. And if anyone reading this Thinks I am wrong (You are probably a Democrat SJW) I think it is about to become Blatantly Obvious.

Decadence is Decay

"When humanity degenerates, and, for the good of all, action, yes, like Lot saw, must ensue,  first God sends them knowledge  through teachers, dreams, prophecy,  in order to open the mind in order to see from a greater perspective   and offer an opportunity for us  to correct our course. To change. To stop creating suffering.   Most of the time humanity laughs  these into oblivion." - Anon 

Don't Bother 'Being Good'

We see it all the time A fallen Catholic priest,  An addict who couldn't resist his drug, A dieter who gains all that weight back... There is a reason for this And it is important to understand. Good and bad are polarities The nature of polarity is it swings. You can only "be good" so long  Then all that "bad" blows up. But, if you find some aspect  Of your life, or something you do To be disagreeable and you want it to end You have to love yourself Love yourself enough to let it go. Love yourself enough to avoid Eating your way into diabetes Gambling your way into debt Drinking your way into disaster Raping, murdering, pillaging... Ending up in jail.  Self Love works 'Being good' doesn't.

The Truth is in You

If, at night, as you lay in your bed In the depths of night, You dream sweet dreams  And those dreams are a mystery Who do you go to to explore that mystery? Do you go to a psychologist? a psychiatrist?  If you want an answer bereft of God, With no credence given to the unseen, And maybe an entertaining prescription,  That will hasten your death, Then, yes. You look outward. You find a socially acceptable Professional. Many dreams are messages in symbolic language. Yes the evil people of the world Take sacred symbols and pervert them As Hitler did with the swastika. But God speaks in symbolic language And so it is wise to study it  Wise to understand your dreams. 

Symbolism of Week Days

Day of week = Planet/God  Monday = Moon  Tuesday = Tiw/Mars  Wednesday = Odin/Mercury... Horus Thursday = Thor/Jupiter... Shiva  Friday = Frig/ Freyja /Venus  Saturday = Saturn/Cronus  Sunday = The Sun  The days of the week are each ruled by a God/planet, in Pagan theology, which correspond to the seven heavens, the seven chakras, and the path of spiritual evolution. I wish I could explain further but this trespasses into an area of knowledge you need to find for yourself.  When the student is ready the teacher will appear.  To understand these associations requires putting yourself into the mindset of the ancient pagan theologian. How can destruction be love? Well they didn’t understand love as we do today. The closest they could come was the patriotic love of the soldier, perhaps. Or the love of a herdsman who occasionally culls the herd for the good of the majori...

Gaining Wisdom I

We gain wisdom from experience. If we are wise about a thing but we have never in this life done it then this is wisdom gained from other lifetimes. For example, I have always know the terrible lure of gambling, and not gone there in this life. We often are not wise about a thing  until we suffer the consequences of it.  This is why you do not ease the pain of unwise behavior. To protect one from their own consequences even has a name, enabling. Within reason we let them  find their own way out.  This is why we need freedom. We need to be free to engage life  as our soul steers, even unwisely,  that we may learn the lessons  of that experience. Can you imagine passing this life only to have to return because you failed to find wisdom because of some law,  or over-protective, well-meaning person? I no longer call negative experiences  Errors. I call them lessons.  Think of the...

The Fool - A Master's Interpretation.

When this card shows up in a reading it represents a new adventure. As Significator it implies that the client is in a position of inexperience. As the Crossing card it implies that the client needs to undertake  a new path, as they have fallen into stagnation. It represents the spiritual directive -  Go forth and make known the unknown.  The Major Arcana may also be read as "the Book of Life."  In this sense The Fool is the virginal soul seeking rebirth.  Virginal not necessarily in that it has never been born before,  but in that it has drunk from the waters of forgetfulness, (Ancient writers tell us that to drink was a choice and the wise man would never do so.)  and has no memory of past lives to hamper it in this lifetime. In a spread The Fool may also indicate that  a would-be child spirit is near the questioner,  seeking a chance for rebirth.  But why does this card say these thin...

God is Image-less

When you sit in prayer or meditation And there is something you want to ask  God to bring into your life You hold that image there in silent  Contemplation. But when what you desire most Is that God be in your life.  That God reveal itself and be known. There is no image to contemplate Even the word itself, God, Implies the known paths of religion. (I see the value of religion And I see the harm of religion. I assert, with full confidence, There is God beyond church on Sunday. Enjoy your faith and your dogma,  If religion is your path. So be it. I have traveled that path to it's end.)  God remains and enigma to me. I wish this state of things to change. In my silent moments I will contemplate Nothing. For if God has no image And all that has an image is already known Then the unknown Must be image-less. And God is the great unknown. 

Dream Interpretation

Dream: I was gathering And captioning pictures And I was posting them online. Then I learned I was Resurrecting the memories Of people who were dead.  I wasn't happy with what I was doing. Interpretation: The captioned pictures  Represent memories of your own past. Things that were once joyful But are your past - dead. There is always more to experience But we tend to look to the world For different experiences Within the human experience.  The time for that is long past. Happiness lies on the inward Path - back to God. That doesn't mean you die It means you are ready for  A new adventure. 

Create Your Life

If what we believe effects our future. We never want to believe we are victims. We never want to believe anything That we don't want in our future. And people who try to convince you otherwise are toxic. This blogger expresses this well: Pavlina

Wild Child

To be a wild child Is not a romantic thing; (Elves and fairies take us) Not when you know it  From the inside. Are all children born wild? Like a young horse. Is tameness a thing you learn? (Or must you be broken?) Is becoming civilized, Becoming a good citizen, A thing children desire? Or is it a thing perpetrated On a free entity  For the sake of survival? (Does socialization break children?) Do you recall a time when You wanted to please your parents. (When you really loved them) A time when you were very good. You listened, and learned How to be polite  And respectful of others. In a perfect world That earns a child Parental approval and  (Unconditional love) Something close enough to love To pass for it - with a little denial. But the world is not perfect And too often our parents are not wise. (Children rearing children) Sometimes no matter your efforts,  It is not enough, never eno...

What to do With Evil Me

There needs to be an acceptable way  To express my darker side.  (Art.)  A way that doesn't cause harm  To myself or others.  (Art.)  I wish I had been taught this as a child,  But I found it eventually.  ART! 

When the Thrill of Life Goes Stale

It is my understanding That our advent in this The physical realm Were undertaken in the spirit of Adventure. We wanted to experience  What it was like To be within the physical. To smell a sweet flower. To drink cold, pure water From a spring. To feel a gentle breeze Ruffle your hair, your clothes. Without a physical body Our hands simply pass through Without the sensation of touch. And so we are in every life Enchanted with the opportunities That come with once more Having a body. But we have lived thousands  Of lifetimes here. There comes a point now When we run out of things to do. Things that are new and inspiring. Many... most, will try to double down On things that have given joy In the past. Food and sex. Remember the Romans? Ever searching for greater thrills Vomitoriums, cannibalism,  Voyeurism, Incest... you know. But there is another way. When the world runs out of thrills It is time to tur...

The Map of Middle Earth is a Brain

  The map of middle earth is very obviously related to brain anatomy; and the functions of various areas of the brain are symbolized in Tolkien's descriptions of these areas, their culture and history.  The three chief markers of this are the three elven settlements that come into the story: Rivendell, Lorien, and the Grey Havens.  The Shire, the river Greyflood, and Fangorn Forest also can be fairly easily located by function and position on an anatomic cross section of the brain. This is important to the understanding of Tolkien's masterpiece, and, in part, it is meant to act as a guide to spiritual evolution. In brain anatomy the structure which roughly corresponds to both The Greyflood and Rivendell, is the Sylvian Notch, or fissure. This area of the brain was first defined by Franciscus de la Boe Sylvius, in 1641 . It is now usually referred to as the lateral sulcus or lateral fissure, and it is one of the most prominent structures of the human brain, di...

Dream Interpretation V

Dreamer: I was in my living room with Bernie Sanders The sofa was not in its present place It was in the north of the room and it was red Very dark red, almost black. He was seated there. I was so pleased to see him I hugged him in a friendly manner a couple of times. Then he asked me to stop speaking against him Or at least not so loudly. Interpretation:  This is not the first I 'important meeting' dream  You have shared with me. And I believe this goes back to the first dream you shared, The one in which you were one Of four 'queens' in this country.  We all have lives happening on other levels of reality. Other lives, where we have jobs and duties Because that is part of life. To contribute. What I am saying is that the two of you met, And he has put a request to you. North is the position of spirit - you met in spirit. Red is both that Bernie is deeply socialist And that the meeting happened  In the Earthbound/...

Understanding Forest Gump

If you have been wondering What life has been like  For you and your soulmate Since the advent of humanity  Into matter, here on this Earth Look to the movie, Forest Gump.  Men have been quite lonely And not really known what it was That they didn't know A little slow. And women have been so admired  So terribly desired That the entirety of a woman's many lives Included molestation and rape And the need to recover from this. Man as Forest Woman as Jenny The only part I quarrel with Is that She didn't leave him. In the truth of Soulmates He left her. The adventure wasn't to know self At that time. It was to experience this kingdom. But if this kingdom has gone stale for you Now is the time to get to know Yourself again. And soulmate is self. Another note: Jenny doesn't blame Forest And that is key for healing the rift.

A Joyful Attitude

Like many, I drank too much in my young adult years. I loved alcohol - the taste, The falling away of inhibitions - this is why some call it liquid courage, But most of all, the way I felt loved, and loving,  Under its influence.  I wanted to, and did, tell people I loved them. And they told me the same. Unconditionally. We feel this way because our brain cells are dying No need to fear death - it is a joyful release ( Unless you cheat - suicides I have spoken too Who were unsuccessful Always say the overwhelming feeling is regret And the shame of hurting so many  By their choice to opt out. Life is a gift - this I swear.) When I decided enough of the sloppy drunk life When I experienced a moment of grace, And was reborn into sobriety,  I wondered how that loving and joyful person, Who I am really, when you take away life's illusions, Could be born through me, as a sober person. I think the answer is  Blowing ...

Moana, a soulmate story

I wrote a big, long article about the movie, Moana about a year ago, but I have discovered people don't like those Big Long articles. So... Moana IS the goddess/lava monster That is why the plague comes to her world Just as she is coming of age. The real plague is her own anger. Partly at being constrained  From following her soul's urgings, But more, her anger toward men in general, and her soulmate, specifically. All soulmates carry anger toward one another. You might call it a vast ocean of Anger. Past lives in which women were degraded,  and men were semi-divine... It feels like the worst sort of betrayal. The movie depicts these issues well. Moana and Maui have to work together (soulmates always work together, like it or not). He needs to see her worth She needs to give it sympathy and acknowledgement.  Woman is meant to be like the goddess The Goddess of Life. The symbol on the stone Is inward journey and then out...

The Secret of Wealth

The wealthy have a secret  Simply put - they cultivate positivity. They learn to look at themselves And see worth. They go into life expecting to succeed They never look at themselves as victims 'Mistakes' are learning experiences. This is not to condemn them Though some of us would wonder  How they could be so sure, And we jealously call them names. Instead we should emulate them. Never teach your children scarcity The mentality of lack, poverty.  It is a sort of white magic. Time for us regular folks to become our own wizards. To become our own best friends.

Dream Interpretation IV

Dream :  I was cooking food and it became clear to me that some food,  seemingly the same food, could be good or bad  depending on the influence it was prepared under the auspices of.  In the dream it was either Dionysian, or beneficent.  Oddly the ‘bad’, Dionysian food was on the right of the griddle  and the ‘good’ on the left.  Artemis, and the lunar phase, was associated with Dionysus,  and the food prepared under that influence.  I remember thinking they represent the wildness  or madness I experienced as a child. Interpretation:  In this case right hand means normal for humanity.  It is normal for humankind, in this time,  to not eat (or do much of anything) in a reverent manner.  Right and left in our culture  - of well washed hands and toilet paper -  have come to mean ordinary and special.  And the special includes poetic, artistic genius. Art...

Dream Interpretation III

Dreamer: "Last night I dreamed that each piece of my life was a puzzle piece, and the lighter colored ones were going to be replaced with slightly abstract pictures of my cat, Sunny. And the name of the change was 'Dark to Light'."  Me: Can you describe your cat? Dreamer: "He is fluffy and kind of golden yellow. He has these ridiculously long guard hairs so that when he is in the sun it looks like he has a halo. He has a very sweet face, a kitten face. Me: The Puzzle metaphor is actually quite an apt one. We assemble an identity out of beliefs and badges of honor. These thing are not who we are, but we often do not know who we are, so we show the world these things when it asks us. 'I am a nurse.' 'I am a democrat.' I am a white/black/hindu/christian... you get the point.  Your dream is saying that this is changing for you. Your pieces are being replaced with 'light'. Think of the puzzle as being placed over a window so th...

Chlorine Dioxide... Miracle Cure?

I recently discovered a treatment for autism that is actually having success.  The clinic promoting this protocol claims over 500 children with autism virtually cured. Here is the science.   Kerri Rivera is the speaker.  She has no Youtube channel but many others have interviewed her there.  Actually her main treatment is used for many diseases now... even just detoxifying.  I can't wait to give it a try. 
I have a gallery on Deviant Art.  Username: LilyWyte.  I do notice their site alters the color of my images a bit.  Compare:  My Deviant Art Any art you like can be purchased there. 
As it turns out, children, especially teens  do not have the mature ego defenses  to handle social media.  Why didn't we see this coming.  I highly recommend this Vid . The True Toxicity of Social Media Revealed 

Thinking about climate change..

If what we believe to be true becomes our own destiny,  does that mean that Climate deniers are going forward  into a timeline where they were right all along?  And then Believers will go forward into a timeline that ends in 12 years? If so I know what side I want to be on If only I could convince myself.  I think the best solution would be That some technology, hidden and secreted away by the globalists was discovered and made available.  Something stolen from Tesla perhaps. Something clean and perpetual. This is worth praying for. They can stuff their various agendas Using the crisis THEY caused to enslave us all.  And while praying I think  I'll ask for trials, public hearings  Like Nuremberg, for Crimes Against Humanity.